The general topics covered within Stream 6 are:
- Space and Recreation Zones
- Rural Zones
If your submission has been missed from the list of those wishing to/not be heard (below), please contact the hearing administrator with the submission number and point of your submission or further submission. Click here for a list of submission points, or for further submission points.
As set out in Commissioner Minute 1, submitters who have indicated they wish to be heard have been allocated 15 minutes to present their submission.
Where possible, the hearings administration team will endeavour to cater for submitters time constraints; however, this will not be possible in all circumstances.
Commissioner Minute 1 sets out the hearings protocol and confirms the detail of hearings, how requests for additional time or attendance should be made and a summary of the relevant timeframes for the exchange of evidence.
Once the timetable is completed, we will send the timetable to you with the time you have been allocated, location and date. As the hearing panel have indicated, please arrive 30 minutes prior to your allocated time.
- Officer’s Report: Whaitua Tākaro | Open Space and Recreation Zones
- Officer’s Report: Whaitua Taiwhenua | Rural Zones
- Appendix A: Recommended Amendments to Rural Chapters
- Appendix B: Recommended Responses to Submissions and Further Submissions
- Appendix C: Section 32AA Evaluation
- Appendix D: Legal Effect Decision for Rural Zone Subdivision
- Appendix E: Affidavits for Legal Effect on Rural Zone Subdivision Rules (Part 1)
- Appendix E: Affidavits for Legal Effect on Rural Zone Subdivision Rules (Part 2)
- Appendix F: Operative District Plan Policies and Rules around Effluent and Intensive Farming Activities
- Appendix G: National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land
- Appendix H: Memorandum on Carbon Forestry and Shading
- Appendix I: Rural Boundary in Ashley
- Appendix J: Report Author’s Qualifications and Experience
- Questions from the Hearing Panel
- Council Officer’s Preliminary Response to written questions on Open Space and Recreation Zones on behalf of Waimakariri District Council
- Officer's Speaking Notes on Open Space and Recreation Zones
- Council Officer’s Preliminary Response to Written Questions on Whatitua Taiwhenua - Rural Zones on behalf of Waimakariri District Council [Completed]
- Council Officer’s Speaking Notes on the Rural Zones Chapter on behalf of Waimakariri District Council
- Council Reply on Whaitua Tākaro | Open Space and Recreation Zones on behalf of Waimakariri District Council
- Application of Highly Productive Land and Versatile Soils
- Council reply on Whaitua Taiwhenua Rural Zones on behalf of Waimakariri District Council
- Hearing Stream 6 – Open Space and Recreation Zones s42A Report – Missed Further Submission Points