District Development Strategy

The District Development Strategy 'Our District, Our Future - Waimakariri 2048' was adopted in July 2018 and  guides anticipated residential and business growth.

Waimakariri is one of the fastest growing districts in New Zealand. Up to 15,000 houses may be needed to accommodate population change over the next 30 years, together with business, infrastructure and public facility requirements.

We need to ensure growth is well planned, integrated and sustainable.

The strategy forms part of the ongoing process to ensure that growth management, within the Waimakariri and Greater Christchurch context, is current and forward looking.

It centres around seven key strategic themes being the environment, growing communities, rural areas and small settlements, connections, economy, centres and community spaces and places. It is designed to act as a broad statement of direction to inform more detailed decision-making.

The strategy has had significant community input, and directions signalled in the Strategy were underpinned by environmental and cultural constraints and opportunities, expert advice, and background reports. A list of relevant background reports is provided below.

The overarching District Development Strategy and workstream provides directions for, informs, and  impacts on, several other related strategies, programmes and workstreams.

District Development Strategy

This strategy sets growth directions for our main towns, gives the context for how we manage businesses, and provides the platform for how we meet the needs of our people through community facilities, infrastructure and connections.

To learn more about the background documents and information that informed this strategy please contact the Business and Centres team via office@wmk.govt.nz or by calling 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV).

Last reviewed date: 27 May 2023