

Rates are the way in which those who live or make their income in the Waimakariri District contribute to the maintenance and development of the public assets and services they share with their neighbours.

Rates provide funding for Council services and activities after income from other sources such as fees, user charges and subsidies has been allowed for.

Our objectives are:

  • to provide the income needed to meet the Council's net funding requirements
  • to ensure that rates are collected from properties that are the direct beneficiaries of services where these can be identified
  • to spread the incidence of rates as fairly as possible
  • to be consistent in charging for services.

Look Up Your Rates

If you want to know the rating valuation or rates payable on a property, you can search our rating database by valuation number or address.


Rating Valuations are based on market values. They are a snapshot of the market at a fixed point in time.

By law local authorities are required to update the values at least every three years. Quotable Value New Zealand is contracted by the Council to maintain the rating valuations in the District and carry out the revaluation. The revaluation process is audited by the Office of the Valuer General before new valuations are posted to owners. The 2022 valuation will be used to set rates from the 2024/25 year, and the next District wide rating revaluation will be in 2025.

Because they are a snapshot at a particular time and because the market sometimes moves very quickly, rating valuations do not necessarily reflect the current market value for long.

Land value is the market value of the unimproved land, and capital value is the market value of the improved land, including any dwelling or buildings (but not including chattels – carpets, curtains, furniture etc.). The improvement value is merely the difference between capital value and land value and is not related to the construction or installation cost of any improvements.

What is the Rating Valuation Used For?

Capital value is used as the basis for setting the Waimakariri District Council rates, with the exception of some drainage rates that are based on land value. Environment Canterbury also use capital value as the basis for most of their rating.

Some rates are set on a uniform basis per property, regardless of value. This is illustrated in the current year where the average valued residential property derives less than 30% of its total rates based on the property value. As the capital value increases, a greater proportion of rates are collected on property value.

How Does the Revaluation Affect My Rates?

Council rating revenue does not increase as the result of a revaluation but the incidence of rating between ratepayers can change.

Generally those ratepayers whose property value has increased less than the average increase in rating valuation across the District will pay less rates and those whose property value has increased by more than the average will pay more as a result of the revaluation. For most ratepayers these changes are not significant unless their value change is significantly different than the average change.

The amount of rates on a particular property is also affected by the total amount of rates revenue required to fund the services and programmes approved by the Council in the annual budget, and the number of new properties created through growth.

Objections to Values

Property owners have a statutory right to object to their rating valuation following a revaluation review. Objections can be lodged online on the Quotable Value website, or in writing by downloading an objection form and sending your completed form to:

Quotable Value Ltd - Business Support
Private Bag 39-818
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045

Information on the objection process and time frames for objection will be advised with valuation review notices.

General Revaluation

The general revaluation reviews rating values for the whole district at three-yearly intervals.The next rating valuation will be held in 2025, then in 2028.

Update Your Property Details

You can check the rating valuation information that the Council holds for your property, and correct any details that are missing or out of date by visiting Update My Property. You can also upload photographs of recent improvements made. Information is verified by Quotable Value prior to being accepted into Council records.

The Council is committed to having its valuation rolls as accurate as possible and encourages property owners to use this new initiative to check records and let us know about new information or correct any errors.

Demolition of Improvements

We can monitor subdivisions and new building through our consenting systems, but we have no way of knowing when a building demolition or removal of other improvements has been completed.

If you have demolished a building and do not plan to rebuild it promptly, let us know so we can adjust the rating value to reflect the impact of the demolition. Rates will be adjusted from the following 1 July. Rates legislation does not allow us to adjust your rates any earlier, irrespective of when the demolition actually occurs.

Revenue and Financing Policy

The Revenue and Financing Policy summarises the funding of activities undertaken by the Council with a view to achieving the fairest funding mix for the community as a whole.

The Revenue and Financing Policy outlines the guiding principles the Council has used to make its decision on the most appropriate rating base.

Discount for the Early Payment of Rates

Section 55 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires the Council to have a policy for the early payment of rates in the current year if it wishes to offer a discount for early payment.

Rates Postponement Policy

The Rates Postponement Policy outlines the circumstances when the payment of rates will be postponed (deferred).

Rates Remission Policy

The Rates Remission Policy notes the circumstances when rates will be remitted (credited).

Remission and Postponement of Rates on Maori Freehold Land Policy

Section 102(4)(f) of the Local Government Act 2002 requires the Council to have a policy for the remission and postponement of rates on Maori freehold land.

The Council's other rating policies apply to Maori freehold land to the same extent that they apply to all other land in the district.

Maori freehold land is defined in Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, section 192(2)(b) - "Land, the beneficial ownership of which has been determined by the Maori Land Court by freehold order, shall have the status of Maori freehold land."

Rates Policies

Where Rates are Spent (Rates Explorer)

Find out how the rates paid on your property are used by the Council to fund services and activities in our Rates Explorer.

Targeted Rating Areas

Click to open and explore all targeted rating areas.

Solicitor Rates Settlement Enquiry

Solicitor Rates Settlement Enquiries are submitted through the Waimakariri District Council’s online user portal ’eServices’.  Please log in here.

If you do not currently have an eServices account please register here.

Changing Your Details

Postal Address

Please advise us immediately if you change your postal address by completing our online form or by emailing rates@wmk.govt.nz. If your spouse's, partner's or other property owner's address also needs updating, let us know.

If you have received a letter from the Council or a building consent at your new address, this does not automatically mean that the change of address has been recorded in the rating records. Changes of address may also be noted on the remittance advice and sent in with your payment.

Change of Ratepayer's Name

We can change your name on our customer database that covers all dealings with the Council on presentation of a legal document showing your new name (e.g.marriage certificate or deed poll certificate).

If you own property, we recommend that you also change your name on the certificate of title for your property. Instructions on how to do this are on the Land Information NZ website www.linz.govt.nz/regulatory

Change of Ownership or Occupier

When a property is sold, leased or transferred, a notice of change of ownership form is sent to the Council by the solicitors at the time of settlement. Both parties are legally obliged to give notice of the change of ownership to the Council within one month of the change occurring. Generally one party undertakes to give notice to the Council.

Non-Rateable Status

Some non-rateable land categories still pay rates and the rateable status can change frequently. Learn more and apply for non-rateable status.

Maori Land Rating

Find out more about rating valuations on Maori land.

Last reviewed date: 22 Jul 2024