Tūka Waka


The are various Council owned public parking locations available in Rangiora's Town Centre.  There is unrestricted on-street parking available close to the town centre and the Town Hall.

When attending a show or movie at Town Hall Cinemas, please do not park in the private businesses car parks across the road.

An off-street public car park is located behind Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre. Access is off Raven Quay or Hilton Street. A time limit of 120 minutes applies in this car park.

Parking Enforcement

It is important to know where and how long you can park in a specific area, otherwise you may be in breach of the law and be issued a parking ticket by the Council. Our parking enforcement staff monitor all parking in Rangiora and Kaiapoi, focusing on the Central Business District. Infringement notices may be given for:

  • Parking in excess of a time limit or in contravention of a bylaw
  • Parking in prohibited areas – broken yellow lines, loading zones etc.
  • Inconsiderate parking or any other parking offences designated by statute
  • Failing to display a current licence label
  • Failing to display current evidence of vehicle inspection.

The fine for exceeding the time limit currently varies between $12 and $57 depending on the length of time. Other infringement fines vary according to the offence.

Making a Complaint

If you have a complaint about someone who has parked inconsiderately or illegally, please contact us by phoning 0800 965 468. When you call, we will need to take as much information as possible to ensure we address the problem with the right person or vehicle.

Parking Tickets

Parking tickets must be paid in full within 28 days of issue of the infringement. No part payments can be accepted.

If your ticket is not paid within the 28 days we will send you a reminder. If you still do not pay within the time stated on the reminder, it will be handed over to the Fines and Collections Unit of the Department for Courts. Once your ticket is lodged with the court, your ticket will also incur court costs and it will have to be paid through the court's system.

Pay Online

Pay a parking infringement easily through our online services.

Paying by Internet Banking

You are welcome to pay a parking ticket via internet or phone banking. The Council's bank account for phone or internet payments is Account Number: 01-0877-0129222-00. Use the Notice number as the reference.

example of bank transfer for parking ticket

Pay in Person

Visit one of our services centres to make a payment over the counter.

If you wish to offer an explanation or contest a notice please use our online parking ticket explanation form to write to Council within seven days with supporting documentation, i.e. a copy of your new warrant of fitness, or proof of payment for your registration. Alternatively, you may fill out our parking ticket explanation form at one of the Council's service centres in Rangiora, Oxford or Kaiapoi.

You will receive a written response advising you of the outcome of your infringement.

Below is a list of common offences:



Exceeding time limit in the time restricted area

Not more than 30 minutes


Between 30 minutes and 1 hour


Between 1 hour and 2 hours


Between 2 hours and 4 hours


Between 4 hours and 6 hours


More than 6 hours


Parked in area of broken yellow lines


Parked obstructing vehicles entrance


Parked on footpath or cycle path


Incorrect kerb parking (Facing wrong way)


Parked in area reserved for disabled persons


Parked on grass berm in residential area – WDC Parking Bylaw 2019


No evidence of current vehicle inspection (WOF) – private vehicle


No evidence of current vehicle inspection (COF) – commercial/heavy vehicle


Licensing and registration related offences


You can see a full list of the infringement and fees, that are set by government in:

Last reviewed date: 18 Sep 2024