Development Contributions

Development contributions are paid on any land development or subdivision that generates extra demand on infrastructure. The Council charges development contributions to ensure developers pay a fair share of the cost of providing additional infrastructure to service growth demand.

For the current Development Contribution Policy, click here. For a list of the development contributions and their calculations, please refer to the Development Contribution Schedule 2024-25 spreadsheet that is linked below, or  the current Long Term Plan.

Financial Contributions

Financial contributions are levied on existing infrastructure, where upgrades are necessary to enable development that has not been anticipated or planned for.

Financial contributions must be for the purpose of:

  • Enabling people and communities to provide for their health, safety and economic, social and cultural wellbeing;
  • Sustaining the potential of resources to meet the reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations;
  • Maintaining the life-supporting capacity of air, water, soil and ecosystems; and
  • Avoiding, remedying and mitigating adverse effects of activities on the natural and physical environment.
Development Contribution Schedule 2024-25
Download MS Excel Document (714.2 KB)
Development Contribution Calculation Guidance Form and Worked Example
Download PDF File (2.2 MB)
Last reviewed date: 12 Jul 2024