Other Premises Licences

Under the Health Act 1956 and Council bylaws, the businesses listed below are required to be licensed with the Council and will be inspected by an Environmental Health Officer at least once a year.

Registration & Licensing of Premises

Under the Health Act 1956 and Council bylaws, the businesses listed below are required to be licensed with the Council and will be inspected by an Environmental Health Officer at least once a year.

Licences of premises are renewed annually on 30 June of each year or if the business changes hands.

Food premises

For information on registration of food premises, see our Food safety and food premises registration page.

Camping grounds

All camping grounds must comply with the Camping Grounds Regulations 1985.

The basic requirements for camping grounds are:

  • There will be specific requirements for each site and the number of ablution, laundry and kitchen facilities will be dependent on occupancy capacity
  • Paths and sites must be well marked and lit
  • Water must be available at specific space intervals and facilities must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition
  • There must be active management of record-keeping, pest control, building maintenance and cleaning practices.

Funeral homes

All funeral homes and funeral directors must comply with the Health (Burial) Regulations 1946.

The basic requirements are:

  • Mortuary surfaces must be continuously smooth, impervious to water, readily cleanable and lightly coloured
  • Floors must be coved to the walls and permanent fixtures are to be graded and drained to sewer and backflow prevention installed
  • Lighting and ventilation must be adequate
  • Mortuary tables must also be graded and drained
  • There must be hot and cold running water and a hand basin must be convenient to the area but separate from other sinks
  • Staff toilet facilities should be provided
  • There must be active management of cleaning practices, personal hygiene policies, pest control, building maintenance and safe chemical storage.


All hair salons must comply with the Hairdressers Regulations 1980. If you are starting a new hairdressing business, complete a health registration application form. If you are taking over an existing business, you will need to re-register it in your name - complete a health registration transfer of ownership form. You will find useful information in our guide to 'Starting a hairdressing business' and the fact sheet 'A guide to conduct items for hairdressers'.

The basic requirements for a hair salon are:

  • Ensure all floors, walls, ceilings, and other surfaces are yielded smooth, impervious and easily cleanable in all parts of the process, preparation and service areas
  • Ensure that there are sufficient shampoo basins, a separate hand basin and a separate washing up sink with a continuous supply of hot and cold running water
  • Ensure adequate space in the salon (2.3 m2 per service chair)
  • Ensure adequate lighting and ventilation on site
  • Provide adequate storage space and ensure all towels and equipment are kept clean from contamination from chemicals
  • Provide suitable refuse containers with fitted lids
  • Ensure that refuse is removed on a regular basis
  • Provide a first aid kit
  • Ensure that the disinfectant used for combs and hair equipment is suitable for the purpose.

Making contact with the Environmental Services Unit

Once a prospective site for a new business is determined, contact should be made with the following people:

  1. A Planner to confirm that the proposed type of operation is permitted in the particular zone and if there are any requirements on operating hours, signs, car parking etc.
  2. A Building Officer should be contacted and a building consent application submitted if required.
  3. Once the Planners and Building Officers have approved the activity, an Environmental Health Officer can be contacted to arrange a health inspection and a health registration application submitted.

For queries or advice contact the Environmental Services Unit based at the Rangiora Service Centre, 215 High Street, Rangiora, or phone 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV), or email office@wmk.govt.nz.

Last reviewed date: 16 Feb 2024