Waimakariri Gorge Bridge Deck Replacement

The construction of the new Waimakariri Gorge Bridge deck will begin on Tuesday 2 April.

24 April 2024

The road will be open from Thursday night (25 April) until work starts again on Sunday (28 April).

20 March 2024

The work is expected to take approximately six weeks to complete.

To allow construction to take place safely and efficiently, the work will be done under a full road closure throughout the night between 7.30pm and 4.30am, no work will be done on Friday or Saturday nights.

Guard rail protection will also be installed as part of this work.

During the nighttime closures, the alternative route is via the SH1 Waimakariri River Bridge near Kaiapoi; this route is approximately 115km in distance so please plan your trip accordingly.

Electronic signs will be in place reminding drivers of the closure and to use the alternate routes during that time.

During the day, the bridge will be open to normal traffic flow, with temporary traffic lights in place to alleviate traffic flows at the end of each overnight shift, if it is required.

During the day, the bridge will be open to normal traffic flow, with temporary traffic lights in place to control traffic. Please expect delays of up to 10 minutes.

Our friendly on-site staff can assist with any queries. The speed limit around our work site is 30kph to keep our workers safe along with other traffic management tools in the vicinity.

The deck replacement forms part of the long-term upgrade of the bridge that is jointly owned by Waimakariri and Selwyn District Councils.

Over recent years, short-term maintenance has been required to maintain the bridge in a usable condition, until design and the replacement of the deck and adjoining barriers could be undertaken.

While Selwyn District Council is responsible for the day-to-day management of maintenance on the bridge and are the lead agency for the replacement works, both Councils have worked together to assess the existing structure, determine the requirements for the deck replacement, and evaluate tenders.

The deck replacement design was completed in late 2023, and the tendering process started before Christmas. Tender submissions closed in late January, with five tenders received.

Both Councils are looking forward to working with Fulton Hogan Ltd to successfully deliver this project for our communities.

We know this work is disruptive, so we appreciate your patience and understanding. Thanks for your cooperation.

Click here for more details and maps.