Private Plan Change 31

Rolleston Industrial Developments Limited

Status Update:

16 October 2024 - The Environment Court are expecting Parties to provide further updates by 18 December 2024.

Environment Court Appeal

On 8 December 2023 Rolleston Industrial Developments Limited lodged an appeal on the Councils decision to decline Private Plan Change 31 to the Environment Court. The Oxford Ohoka Community Board, Ohoka Residents Association, Mandeville Village Partnership Limited and Environment Canterbury have joined the appeal.  

No dates have been set by the court to hear evidence relating to the appeal.

Waimakariri District Council has accepted for public notification a privately initiated District Plan change request (RCP031) from Rolleston Industrial Developments Limited, under clause 25 of the first schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991. Details of the proposed Private Plan Change are set out below.


Council has adopted the Commissioner’s final recommendation to decline RCP031.


Proposed Private Plan Change RCP031 has been initiated by Rolleston Industrial Developments Limited seeking to rezone land located at 511, 531, 535 and 547 Mill Road and 290 and 344 Bradleys Road and is for the most part bounded by Whites, Mill and Bradleys roads, Ohoka. The rezoning covers an area of approximately 155.9 hectares. The proposed Private Plan Change will rezone the area from Rural to Residential 3, 4A and Business 4, and create a Residential 8 zone.

The residential development will comprise of up to 700 new households within the Residential 3 Zone; 150 new households within the Residential 4A Zone; and a new Residential 8 Zone to provide for a possible school or retirement village or residential activities commensurate with a Residential 3 Zone if neither activity is developed. The new commercial area (Business 4 Zone) will provide for approximately 5700m2 to 6900m2 of commercial floor space and car parking.

To enable this Private Plan Change, RCP031 seeks to amend the Operative Waimakariri District Plan to introduce a new Outline Development Plan, amend the associated planning maps, and amend definitions, policies and rules within Chapters 16, 18, 30, 31 and 32, and any consequential renumbering required.

These changes can be found on pages 3 to 20 of the proposed Private Plan Change RCP031 application below, or it is available to be viewed at any Waimakariri District Council Service Centre or Library:

  • Rangiora Library, 139 Percival Street, Rangiora;
  • Rangiora Service Centre, 215 High Street, Rangiora;
  • Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre, 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi; and
  • Oxford Service Centre/Library, 34 Main Street, Oxford.

More information including technical assessments can be found here.


The Waimakariri District Council has available a summary of all decisions requested by persons making submissions to Private Plan Change RCP031 to the Waimakariri District Plan. Requests for a summary of submissions and individual submissions can be made to

You can also view this information online at Council libraries and service centres.

A submitter list is available here.


The Waimakariri District Council appointed an independent hearings panel (panel) to hear an application by Rolleston Industrial Developments Limited (the applicant/application) for a private plan change (RCP 31) to the Waimakariri District Council pursuant to Part 2 Schedule 1, of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).

Hearing documents including memos to the commissioners and applicant and submitter evidence can be found here.

The Hearing took place between 3-9 August 2023.


Council has adopted the Commissioner’s final recommendation to decline RCP031.

Contact information
