New pipework needs to be connected at the South Belt Water Treatment Plant. The new water main connection will be undertaken between 7am - 7:30pm on Thursday 5 September.
As part of the new UV Upgrade project at South Belt, an isolation valve is required to be installed to enable connection of new pipework.
This work is planned for 5 September 2024 and is expected to last one day. However, further works will be undertaken over the next four weeks to install additional pipes to enable final connection to the treatment plant and commissioning.
Traffic management will be in place during the duration of these works with reduced speed and lane widths, including provision for pedestrians and cyclists.
Water Conservation
The new water main connection will be undertaken between 7am - 7:30pm on Thursday 5 September. This work will require shutting down the wells and running the scheme from stored water only. As water storage is limited, we are requesting all residents of the Rangiora water supply to conserve water.
Please consider delaying any non-urgent, high water usage tasks such as:
- Using the dishwasher or washing machine
- Taking baths or long showers
- Using sprinklers or watering gardens
Thank you for your patience while we carry out this work.
Contact information
Name: Sam Murphy - Project Engineer
Phone: 0800 965 468