Lees Valley Road Update

Slip halfway between valley and Middle Bridge

Further assessment of the slope stability risk by our engineers confirmed that the slip is MARGINAL for trucks, and NOT SUITABLE for truck and trailers. The slip repair designs have been forwarded to us today and will be forwarded to our contractors to undertake the works as soon as practicable. The repair to the smaller slip will be undertaken at the same time as the larger slip. Edge marker posts have been installed at both slip locations to keep vehicles away from the edge.

Crushing and remetalling

Following further consultation with our engineers, it was determined that it would not be safe to transport the crusher and other associated plant past the large slip and into the valley, therefore crushing and remetalling of sections of the Lees Valley Road has been postponed until the slip has been repaired. Grading of the road will still take place and should commence soon.

Additional small slip

This morning we were advised of another small rockfall on the road, approximately 2 kilometres on the valley side of the Middle Bridge. Our contractors have been out with a small digger and cleared the slip earlier this afternoon.